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Siena General Assembly and Training 2022

In November 2022 the University of Siena held the PACTUM Project's General Assembly and Training Session event.

      2 November 2022 - Palazzo del Rettorato, Via Banchi di Sotto, 55 - Siena, Italy

During the General Assembly of November 2, all partners will meet in person to discuss the project progress. Each partner, in charge of the different work packages' management, will have the opportunity to take stock of the situation by explaining what has been done so far and what still needs to be done.

     From 3 to 5 November 2022 - Siena, Italy
     - Santa Chiara Lab - Via Val di montone, 1
     - Presidio Mattioli -Via Pier Andrea Mattioli, 10

The training days from 3 to 5 November will be devoted to building a content-rich multidisciplinary Master Course, and to improve the administrative background necessary to start this new cooperative path. Many speakers have been invited to take part in this training session, each with his/her own expertise to contribute to the creation of a great international product, as the PACTUM Master Course is expected to be.

During the General Assembly of November 2nd, all partners met in person to discuss the project progress. Each partner, in charge of each work packages' management, will have the opportunity to take stock of the situation and to discuss what is the state of the art and what still needs to be done. Have a look at the GA session's minutes for further details.

Three training days from 3 to 5 November were devoted to building a content-rich multidisciplinary Master Course, and to improve the administrative background necessary to start this new cooperative path. Many speakers have been invited to take part in this training session, each with his/her own expertise to contribute to the creation of a great international product, as the PACTUM Master Course is expected to be. On the first day of the training session, the Santa Chiara Lab of the University of Siena offered an interesting example of an intersectoral approach, relying on sustainability, to the subjects that could be taught in the master course. In the afternoon, a conference offered by the CIRCaP (Center for the Study of Political Change) broadened our discussion presenting un/published empirical research on voters, elites and democracies in European and Mediterranean countries.

The day after was mainly devoted to presenting possible examples of Syllabi based on comparative political studies, which could contribute and offer possible cues for the current designing phase of our PACTUM master.. A stimulating discussion about the Political Science Evolution in Southern European countries offered further context and content.
During our last day together we explored a possible path for practical activities or Master course's fruit like the CREDO platform for international cultural relations, provided by the University of Siena.

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